NLA Rules & Policies

o   Waiver Policy: In order to participate in the league, each participant must sign the team waiver. Waivers are provided and must be completed and handed in no later than before the first night of play.  Players not present the first week of play will still be required to sign a waiver before participating.


o   Forfeit Policy: We get it, life happens. This is why we suggest teams try and be prepared or call in the subs! If for reasons unknown you cannot find subs for yourself or teammates, please provide Nex Level Arena (NLA) with notice at least 24 hours prior so that we can move team schedules around. Please note that if your team has forfeited two games, your team will not be able to move forward to the

o   The Weather Policy: Weather is just as unpredictable as life. Lucky for us most of these events are housed in our 40,000 square ft. facility. However, in case there is a potential for cancellation, NLA will keep you updated through our social media pages and home page. Games will continue the following week as scheduled.

o   Age divisions: The following list represents our age divisions that may or may not restrict participation.

·       Adult -18 and up with a 21 and over policy if any alcohol is affiliated with event.

·       Young adult- this would restrict participation to 14-18

·       Youth-this would restrict participation to 14 and under

·       Family-all ages can participate